Words that Wound

🌟 The Journey Journal 🌟
3 min readApr 18, 2023


Pic source: https://kizziejones.com/blog/your-words-kind-or-hurtful

Words are powerful; they have the ability to shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Words can sometimes inspire us to greatness, comfort us in times of need, and bring us closer to those around us.

However, someone’s words can also significantly impact another person’s life. A kind and thoughtful remark can uplift and boost someone’s confidence, while unintentional statements or questions may hurt others.

Sometimes people may ask us or give us their opinions without intending to say anything negative, but their unintentional questions or statements can make us feel offended or upset.

I remember how I once felt this at one moment. I once struggled with persistent acne, trying different treatments and visiting various Dermatologists, spending tens of millions of rupiahs to cure my acne, but it just wouldn’t go away. At that time, I felt so sad, insecure, and afraid to socialize due to the fear of receiving negative comments for my face condition.

During this difficult time, some people spontaneously asked me, “OMG, why do you have so many pimples on your face?” or “Why are you breaking out?” “OMG, you got many pimples on your face” or similar comments.

Maybe for them, it was just common or ordinary statements, but for me, who was at that time fighting against my stubborn acne, it was painful. Even with others pointing it out, I already realized that my acne made me look different than usual. Nevertheless, I tried to encourage myself that this would end soon.

Instead of receiving support or at least not hearing hurtful comments, I got uncomfortable comments that made me feel so sad. You might say I was overly emotional, but you can never fully understand how someone felt unless you were in their shoes.

This is only a small example of how words that we consider “ordinary” or “common” can be hurtful, offensive, and impact others.

Imagine when you are going through something, fighting against it but unable to get it, and someone casually asks or even demands something that you also want but cannot have.

This can be very hurtful and insensitive. It’s important to remember that everyone has their own battles, and we should be mindful of our words and actions towards others. A little bit of empathy and consideration can go a long way in making someone’s day a little bit better.

I believe many of us can relate to this. Let’s take another example, people tend to be curious about other people’s lives. For instance, if you’re not married yet, they will ask when you’re getting married. When you’re already married, they will ask when you’re having children. When you already have children, they will ask when you’re going to give them a sibling.

Maybe some people may think it’s just a normal question. However, what if the person you’re asking is actually struggling to have that thing? What if the couple you’re asking has been waiting for a child in their marriage for so long but hasn’t been blessed with one?

What if they’ve already tried different programs to have a child but always failed, even though they already spent a lot of money? What if the couple you’re asking cries every night, asking God to bless them with a child? There are many “what ifs” that can arise when it comes to this issue.

Through this line of thinking, I have come to a point that may be useful for myself or perhaps all of us. I believe that all humans have hearts and feelings. What if we try to put ourselves in other people’s shoes? What if we try to be more “sensitive” to other people’s situations and imagine ourselves in their position?

By “trying to put ourselves in other people’s shoes,” we can become more empathetic and appreciate what they are going through. We ourselves have hearts and feelings that can also feel sad and uncomfortable when faced with such situations. Maybe you’re not experiencing it now, but that doesn’t mean you won’t experience it someday.

The people we meet may have had some bad days, and to help make them feel better, let’s strive to be someone who is more pleasant, less nosy, respects other people’s privacy, and is more sensitive to other people’s feelings. The simple things you give will have a tremendous impact on the people around you.



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